Going Beneath the Surface with CCTV

CCTV video pipe inspection is a method used to assess the condition and integrity of sanitary and storm sewer utilities (or infrastructure). This process involves launching a specialized crawler-mounted camera into the pipe system, which transmits real-time video footage to an operator on the surface. The operator closely monitors the video feed and records any issues or abnormalities found within the pipes.

Industrial and commercial businesses, federal and state agencies, municipalities, and authorities need CCTV video pipe inspection for several reasons. First, it helps identify problems, such as cracks, leaks, blockages, corrosion, or inflow and infiltration, within the pipeline network. By detecting these issues early on, businesses can take timely and cost-effective measures to prevent significant damages or disruptions.

Second, regular pipe inspections are crucial for compliance with industry regulations and standards. Various sectors, such as construction, manufacturing, and utilities, have specific guidelines regarding the maintenance and safety of pipelines. CCTV video inspections provide concrete evidence of compliance, ensuring organizations meet the required standards and avoid potential penalties.

Third, CCTV video pipe inspection allows for proactive maintenance planning. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the pipe condition, businesses, government agencies, and authorities can prioritize repair or replacement efforts, allocate resources efficiently, and avoid unexpected downtime or emergencies.

Overall, CCTV video pipe inspection is a valuable service that enables organizations to monitor and maintain the health of their underground pipelines, ensuring operational efficiency, regulatory compliance, and cost-effective maintenance practices. Read on to discover how RETTEW used CCTV and manhole scanning technology to perform a certified condition assessment for the Municipal Authority of the Town of Bloomsburg.

Meet John Stipe

Vice President of Environmental & Geotechnology

Asked what interests him most about his job, John notes his enjoyment of discovering and diagnosing subsurface conditions, utilities, and structures. Go “beneath the surface” to learn what he found at his basecamp on a work assignment in Wyoming!