1. University Area Joint Authority Advanced Water Treatment and Enhanced Nutrient Removal Upgrades

    The University Area Joint Authority (UAJA) owns and operates the Spring Creek Pollution Control Facility, which treats sewage flows from the Centre Region prior to discharging to Spring Creek. The facility had advanced treatment with tertiary effluent standards rated for 10.56 mgd annually. As part of a beneficial reuse project, UAJA added an advanced water…

  2. Bloomsburg Wastewater Treatment Plant Safety Audit

    The Municipal Authority of the Town of Bloomsburg wanted to ensure all current buildings and structures complied with OSHA standards and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes and Standards. As a trusted consultant to the Authority who values our commitment to a culture where the health, safety, and well-being of our clients and employees is…

  3. Brewing Company Anaerobic Pretreatment System Evaluation

    The Sierra Nevada Brewing Company opened a 500,000-barrel-per-year facility, which includes an on-site industrial wastewater pretreatment plant. The pretreatment technology comprises an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) to remove solids and organics prior to discharge to the local sewer. Since the predominant livestock in the region is swine, it is not cost-effective to sell the…

  4. Township of Delhi Anaerobic Digester Evaluation

    The Township of Delhi operates a conventional wastewater treatment plant designed to treat 4 to 5 mgd. The facility currently treats an average of 2.5 mgd of wastewater. Waste solids generated in the plant are combined with third-party organic wastes in a co-digestion process. The resultant biogas is used to heat the digesters and generate…

  5. Highspire Borough Authority Biosolids Upgrade

    The Highspire Borough Authority’s wastewater treatment plant is designed to treat up to 2 mgd of wastewater. The current treatment process includes primary screening and grit removal, grinding or commutation, biological treatment for biochemical oxygen demand and nutrient removal, secondary clarification, anaerobic sludge digestion with biogas flared, centrifuge dewatering, and disinfection using UV light. The…

  6. University Area Joint Authority Biosolids Processing Facility Upgrade

    The University Area Joint Authority’s (UAJA) Spring Creek Pollution Control Facility provides wastewater treatment, solids handling, and reuse water to the Centre Region and comprises an advanced wastewater treatment facility with tertiary effluent standards and advanced water reclamation. The facility is currently rated for 10.56 mgd hydraulically (MMAF) and 50,000 pounds/day of biochemical oxygen demand….

  7. City of Wooster Anaerobic Digester Evaluation

    The City of Wooster, Ohio, through a public–private partnership, invested in a biosolids facility to process the waste sludge generated on site at the City’s municipal wastewater plant, as well as third-party septage, biosolids, and food wastes. This new facility, called the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF), includes a traditional mechanically mixed thermophilic and mesophilic…

  8. University Area Joint Authority Ozone Disinfection System Design

    The University Area Joint Authority’s (UAJA) Spring Creek Pollution Control Facility previously disinfected its wastewater discharge using an ultraviolet (UV) system. While the UV system was effective at removing viruses and bacteria, it could not remove pharmaceutical products in the wastewater effluent. UAJA desired a new system that combines disinfection and advanced oxidation to remove…

  9. Hermitage Municipal Authority Low-Pressure Sewer System

    Sanitary surveys revealed that more than 40 percent of surveyed on-lot disposal systems on North Neshannock Road, North Darby Road, and South Darby Road in the City of Hermitage were classified as suspected or confirmed malfunctions according to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection regulations. These results suggested untreated sewage was being discharged into “Waters of…

  10. Bloomsburg Sanitary Sewer CCTV Condition Assessment

    The Municipal Authority of the Town of Bloomsburg was experiencing significant infiltration and inflow of stormwater to their sanitary system, which was overwhelming their downstream wastewater treatment facilities. Under budgetary constraints, the Authority identified a high-priority portion of their sewershed for immediate evaluation and condition assessment. RETTEW’s Subsurface Utility Engineering team used Envirosight RovverX robotic…


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One of RETTEW’s Project Managers, Melissa Kelly, is participating as a mentor in the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce…

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Today is World Quality Day, which honors professionals for the quality work they do every day. At RETTEW,…

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