Camp Hill Bypass Feasibility Study

Camp Hill Borough, known for its walkable community, faced a critical challenge along Cumberland Boulevard. Despite its residential character, this corridor carries nearly 34,000 vehicles daily, making pedestrian safety a priority. The boulevard was primarily designed for vehicular traffic and lacked adequate pedestrian amenities. Residents struggled to navigate the corridor, which effectively divides the borough, hindering access to essential destinations like schools, libraries, and parks. With no school busing, students needed a secure route to cross the boulevard. RETTEW addressed this issue through a comprehensive feasibility study.

We started by consolidating previous planning efforts. Our goal was to identify pedestrian-level initiatives that could enhance walkability and bikeability. After reviewing planning studies, site conditions, and public feedback, we divided the study corridor study into manageable projects aimed at connecting both sides of Cumberland Boulevard by addressing sidewalk width, lighting, and green spaces to ensure pedestrian comfort and security.

We developed seven independent projects to create safe pedestrian routes across the corridor, which can be implemented in any order, ensuring flexibility and continuous improvement. Our solutions will connect all borough destinations, making Camp Hill a more walkable and livable community. Through these initiatives, we provided a clear path forward for funding and implementing engineering and construction stages, ensuring long-term benefits for pedestrians and residents.


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Community, Employees

To Inspire and Empower

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