1. Landslide Mitigation

    In the mountainous regions of West Virginia, the development of natural gas infrastructure requires construction of well pads in steep slopes with significant cuts and fills. Landslides are common at newly-built well pads without strict construction oversight and customized design. RETTEW investigated two existing landslides and provided recommendations and design for well pad repair. We…

  2. Palmyra Borough Sinkhole

    A major break in an 8-inch water main caused a geyser, which flowed for nearly six hours before the main was shut down. A large sinkhole developed as a result of the excess water, causing a third of a major traffic intersection to collapse and, consequently, to be closed. In addition the underground utilities in…

  3. Palmyra IW-9 Injection Well Replacement

    The project area in the 900 block of Cherry Street in Palmyra Borough has suffered from sinkholes on a regular basis for more than 50 years. Stormwater naturally drains to the location because of its low elevation, and because of flooding problems, the Borough constructed a stormwater injection well in the late 1960s. For the…

  4. Kirby House, Lafayette College Foundation Stabilization

    Kirby House at Lafayette College is a three-story masonry and brick residential dormitory that also contains a student lounge and a small café. For unknown reasons, the building had settled and large cracks formed on the interior and exterior walls. The College wanted to determine what caused these cracks and ensure that the building would…


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Off the Clock With Beth Watkins

Tell us about a hobby you’re passionate about outside of work. I belong to a volunteer women’s service…

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Community, Employees

To Inspire and Empower

One of RETTEW’s Project Managers, Melissa Kelly, is participating as a mentor in the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce…

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