1. Searching for Historic Graves

    In Swatara Township, unmarked gravesites and burials from generations ago were lost, but not forgotten. RETTEW partnered with the Friends of Midland Cemetery, a nonprofit with volunteers who maintain the site, to uncover those historic graves. Officially founded in 1795, but used many years earlier, Midland Cemetery is the burial site for many slaves, black…

  2. A Better Plan

    When retirement arrives, it may be a bigger loss than first thought. At universities and colleges across the country, baby boomers involved in maintenance and facility management have reached retirement age. As they leave to relax, travel, and have more time for golfing, they take with them decades of institutional knowledge. Where every underground waterline…

  3. Not a Mad Scientist

    To complete detailed technical work you need two things: the right equipment and the right expertise. Bill Steinhart, a senior geophysicist, has the right tools for the job as he helps a client prevent damage and decrease risk. Bill is using an EM-31 terrain conductivity meter to investigate a possible undocumented landfill underground. Before a…

  4. Be Enlightened Before Lights Out!

    Excavators. Pile drivers. Bulldozers. Augers and drilling rigs. All mainstay pieces of equipment for any large construction project. What happens when one of those hits an underground utility line? What if it’s a gas line and could cause an explosion? What if it’s an electric line and poses risk of electrocution or fire? What if…

  5. Reimagining Gets Results

    On a tight timeline, and with some brilliant minds and technology, we recently wrapped up an important client project. In Colorado, one of RETTEW’s energy clients owns many miles of underground pipeline. After a recent incident in the state, the governor ordered inspections of all underground flow lines within 1,000 feet of occupied buildings. To…


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Company News

Committed to Quality

Today is World Quality Day, which honors professionals for the quality work they do every day. At RETTEW,…

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Company News, Employees

RETTEW Now 100 Percent ESOP-owned

We’re excited to announce that RETTEW is now 100 percent owned by employees, via an Employee Stock Ownership…

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