RETTEW continually identifies and evaluates funding opportunities for business, municipalities, individuals, and nonprofit organizations throughout the year and showcases just a few of them each month. As always, you can stay up to date on funding opportunities and approaching deadlines with our funding calendar.

If the necessary work to fully prepare for funding applications seems overwhelming, we are here to assist! RETTEW can help you establish a relationship with funding agencies and will provide trusted advice and continuous assistance to address your funding needs.

Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF)

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)

PennDOT’s Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to ensure a safe and reliable transportation system is available to Pennsylvania residents. Financial assistance is available to municipalities, councils of governments, businesses, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, ports, and rail freight entities to improve transportation assets that enhance communities, pedestrian safety, and transit revitalization. Projects with a total cost of $100,000 or more are eligible for funds. Please review the Multimodal Transportation Fund Success Manual for a complete list of eligibility requirements and tips for completing an application. Applications must be submitted online through the Single Application for Assistance powered by Keystone Login.

Please note: The PennDOT Multimodal Transportation Fund is separate from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development’s Multimodal Transportation Fund.

Award Amount: $3 million maximum for any project
Required Match: Local funding of at least 30% of the amount awarded
Applications Due: November 13, 2023, by 4:00 PM

Environmental Education Grants Program

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP)

The Environmental Education Grants Program provides funding for education projects including meaningful, hands-on programs for students, teacher training workshops, and community conservation projects for adults. This funding supports environmental education projects that address one or more of the following priorities: climate change, water, and environmental justice. Please visit the PA DEP website for additional information including a fact sheet and the 2024 DEP Environmental Education Grants Program Manual. Applications must be submitted online through the Single Application for Assistance powered by Keystone Login.

Award Amount:
Mini Grants: Up to $5,000
General Grants Level I: $5,001-$30,000
General Grants Level II: $30,001-$65,000

Required Match:
Mini Grants: Match (cash and/or in-kind) in any amount is required, but 20% is encouraged
General Grants Levels I and II: Match (cash and/or in-kind) of 20% is required

Applications Due: November 15, 2023, by 11:59 PM 

Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program is a new federal loan and guarantee program at EPA that provides long-term, low-cost supplemental credit assistance for regionally and nationally significant projects.  Funds are offered on an ongoing basis, which enables borrowers to request financing on their schedule. In the FY 2023 Notices of Funding Availability, the WIFIA program announced $7.5 billion will be available for water infrastructure projects. Visit their website to learn how to get started with the WIFIA program and for information on the application process.

Award Amount: WIFIA credit assistance may not exceed 49 percent (or 80 percent for small communities of 25,000 people or less) of the reasonably anticipated eligible project costs.
Required Match: Balance of project costs
Applications Due: Rolling basis starting October 25, 2023