Highlighting Our Funding Successes

It’s hard to believe another year is almost over! RETTEW has been busy identifying, evaluating, and securing funding opportunities for businesses, municipalities, individuals, and nonprofit organizations. In 2023, we helped our clients secure grants and loans totaling more than $116 million to enhance their communities! Here are a few of the projects.

Bridge Capital Improvement Plan

Lancaster County

This fall, the County held a ribbon cutting to celebrate the opening of the Big Conestoga 1 Bridge in Narvon, PA. It was the final Lancaster County bridge to receive improvements as part of the Bridge Captial Improvement Plan RETTEW developed for the County. Not only did we assist our client by matching available funding sources with the various needs of the bridges and helping to secure funding for the projects throughout the past 15 years, but this partnership also enabled the County to fund the entire project for all 59 of their bridges without using any money from its general fund!

Stormwater Basin Retrofits

Penn Township, Lancaster County

Another project RETTEW helped to secure funding for is the recent stormwater basin retrofits. We were honored to partner with Horst Excavating on completing the retrofits for the two basins in Penn Township, Lancaster County. Check out this cool video of the project!

Killinger Creek Restoration

South Londonderry Township, Lebanon County

RETTEW can help you apply for grants, like the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Small Watershed Implementation Grant. Working with our client, South Londonderry Township, we successfully applied for and obtained $220,000 for the Township’s Killinger Creek project. The awarded funds will improve water quality and stream health in Killinger Creek by stabilizing and restoring both streambanks, planting a riparian forest buffer, and educating the community on the importance of clean water.