Welcome to the RETTEW Focus on Funding page! Please explore the featured funding opportunities below and contact our funding team to learn more about the programs, eligibility, and application assistance. We look forward to working with you to identify and secure the funding resources you need to successfully complete your projects! As always, you can stay up to date on funding opportunities and approaching deadlines with our funding calendar.

Green Light-Go: Pennsylvania’s Municipal Signal Partnership Program

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)

Also known as the “Green Light-Go Program,” this state grant was established to improve the efficiency and operation of existing traffic signals in Pennsylvania. Counties, cities, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships, home rule municipalities, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and Rural Planning Organizations that have existing signals and submit a completed preapplication scoping form are eligible to apply. Other application resources, including program guidelines, FAQs, cost estimating guidance, the cost estimate template, and TSAMS requirements, are available to assist applicants with their submissions. PennDOT will review and provide feedback on preapplication scoping forms by January 31, 2024.

Please note: The Green Light-Go Program is a reimbursement grant program.

Award Amount: Total funding available for Year 9 (2024) is approximately $40 million
Required Match: A minimum 20% match that may consist of any combination of federal, state, local, or private funds, except Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) funds which are ineligible.  
Preapplication Scoping Forms Due: December 15, 2023
Grant Applications Open: February 1, 2024
Grant Applications Close: February 29, 2024

Consumptive Use Mitigation Grant Program

Susquehanna River Basin Commission

The goal of this grant program is to fund projects that mitigate consumptive use or improve drought resilience in the Susquehanna River Basin. This program is open to local, state, and federal government entities; project sponsors; tax-exempt nonprofit organizations; and institutions of higher education. Interested applicants are encouraged to review the Grant Guidelines for details.

Note: Applications are submitted through the Commission’s grant application site hosted by AmpliFund which requires an account to access the application.

Award Amount: Varies, although $4-6 million in total grant funding is available, with anticipated individual project awards of $100,000 or more. Approximately 10 to 20 projects are to be awarded.
Required Match:
Requested funds up to $500,000: A minimum cash match equal to 10% of the total requested funds
Requested funds of more than $500,000: A minimum cash match equal to 25% of the total requested funds
Applications Due: January 31, 2024, by 4:00 PM

Statewide Waterway Access Mini Grant Program

Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers (POWR)

This new funding program, supported by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, is designed to help meet the growing demand for nonmotorized boating opportunities. POWR encourages townships, boroughs, municipal and county governments, and nonprofit organizations (501c3) to apply. Private businesses are not eligible. For more information or to apply for a grant, please visit the Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s website for mini grant programs.

Award Amount: Up to $30,000
Required Match: A one-to-one match is required; match can consist of cash, in-kind, or a combination of cash and in-kind
Applications Due and Awarded: On a rolling basis starting November 1, 2023, but all projects must be completed no later than November 1, 2024