How prepared are you for an emergency? In everything we do, safety is a top priority here at RETTEW.  Being prepared is critical to ensuring high-quality work that is structurally sound. This month, we are reminded to take extra precaution during National Preparedness Month. Recognized each September, the purpose of this movement is to promote family and community disaster and emergency planning. This year’s theme is “Prepared, Not Scared.”


Research shows that people who believe they are prepared for disasters often aren’t as prepared as they think. According to a survey by, 40% of survey respondents did not have household plans, 80% had not conducted home evacuation drills, and nearly 60% did not know their community’s evacuation routes.


Becoming more prepared for emergency situations is critical – and easier than you might think. Whether it’s your home, your neighborhood, your place of business, or your school, you can take a few simple steps to prepare yourself.


  • Saving is the best financial defense against disasters. You never know when a disaster will happen. Learn more on how to save smart here:
  • Ensure you have all the documents and digital copies you need to protect yourself after a disaster.
  • Before disaster strikes, review your insurance coverage. Insurance is the fastest way to recover after a disaster.
  • Make a family emergency plan and don’t forget to include your pets. Have emergency supplies in place at home, at work, and in the car.


If you own a business, this affects you, too!


Businesses face a variety of hazards, including:

  • Natural hazards like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes.
  • Health hazards such as widespread and serious illnesses like the flu.
  • Human-caused hazards including accidents and acts of violence.
  • Technology-related hazards like power outages and equipment failure.


What You Should Know

  • Identify your risks. Know what disasters are most likely to affect your business.
  • Develop a workplace emergency plan and be sure employees know it.
  • Create a crisis communications plan to keep in contact with customers, suppliers, and employees during and after a disaster.
  • Test and practice your preparedness plans.
  • Have emergency supplies available at the workplace.
  • Check your insurance policies to ensure you have enough coverage.
  • Listen to local officials.


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