During heavy rain events, stormwater can cause flooding resulting in accidents, property loss, and public health issues.
Runoff is rain and/or melting snow that is collected and conveyed by storm sewers, pipes, and drainage swales and discharged into local streams, creeks, and rivers during a storm event. As the stormwater flows across the land, it can pick-up a variety of substances that cause poor water quality including manure, fertilizer, chemicals, petroleum products, and trash.
When we’re planning for developments or designing new highways and roadways, we must consider what happens when it rains — from a simple shower to a torrential downpour, that water needs to be directed safely away from buildings and roadways. Stormwater flows must also be managed to reduce the pollutants it can carry as it flows downstream.
Ephrata Township has been very pleased with RETTEW’s MS4 and stormwater planning services. Their assistance for this very complex program has been a tremendous asset.
RETTEW has more than 50 years of experience providing stormwater management solutions in the public and private sectors. Our team of land and community planners, hydrologists, and geologists have extensive experience in stormwater testing, design, zoning, land development regulations, permitting, and erosion control. We help our clients develop and implement regulatory-compliant, cost-effective, and sustainable stormwater management plans that are beneficial now and into the future. Additionally, we work with other RETTEW teams to address stormwater concerns in various land development and geological projects.
An MS4 program.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) require local communities to adopt best practices in stormwater management. The MS4 program requires municipalities to reduce stormwater pollution to protect and improve water quality. MS4 stands for municipal separate storm sewer system — and consists of any stormwater infrastructure that collects and conveys stormwater runoff such as curbs, gutters, ditches, pipes, swales, detention basins, and, rain gardens. In many states, permitting for development projects, as well as municipal operations, requires MS4 compliance — and RETTEW has an in-house specialist in this area.
Learn more about MS4 programs: Find free community educational materials for your use here.
RETTEW is an approved National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Technical Assistance Provider, helping preserve and protect our nation’s wildlife habitats, species, and ecosystems.
Proper stormwater management reduces flooding and pollution, can improve our natural ecosystems, provide habitat and food for native wildlife, and improve the health and well-being of our communities.
Stormwater affects us all — find out more about it in this video!
Stormwater Specialties:
- Detention, Retention, and Infiltration Stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) Design
- Drainage Patterns and Condition Analysis
- Erosion and Sediment Control (E&S) Design and Permitting
- Floodplain Analysis and Restoration
- Riparian Buffers
- Infiltration and Soils Testing
- MS4 Permit Compliance and Reporting
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permitting (NPDES)
- Opinion of Probable Construction Costs
- Pollution Reduction Planning (PRP)
- Storm Drainage Design and Engineering
- Streambank Stabilization and Restoration
- BMP Design and Permitting
- Stormwater Fee Studies