Belmont County Road Maintenance and Route Improvements

A client’s haul route utilized Lee Road, a narrow rural corridor in poor condition containing areas only wide enough for a single vehicle to pass. In its existing condition, the road would not support the client’s truck traffic. Additionally, the intersection to access this roadway was narrow and utility poles close to the roadway made turning maneuvers complicated.

RETTEW completed a comprehensive review and developed a design to upgrade the intersection and connecting roadway. We also completed a geotechnical review of the route to evaluate pavement strength and developed an appropriate mix design. To determine long-term viability, we evaluated an existing bridge to analyze its highway loads. Our improvements included widening the intersection at the eastern end of the roadway and regrading to allow for suitable truck movement in the intersection. We also adjusted the utility locations to allow for safer turns. RETTEW proactively made these improvements to 1.5 miles of roadway and upgraded the intersection to accommodate truck traffic and improve safety for the community.


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Awards, Employee Update

Felicia Bechtel Selected as Central Penn Business Journal 2024 Women of Influence Honoree

We are thrilled to announce Felicia Bechtel, MSc, PG, Senior Geophysical Advisor at RETTEW, has been named as…

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Driving Safety Tips

For some of us, the most dangerous thing we do every day is drive to and from work….

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