Eden Road Bridge Replacement

Eden Road Bridge — also known as Big Conestoga #7 — had a deteriorating bridge deck, failing abutments, cracking structure, rotation, and settlements that were all significant concerns. Since the bridge is one of the most heavily-traveled bridges owned by the County, it was becoming more and more critical for them to replace it.

As engineer of record, RETTEW provided comprehensive engineering solutions to replace this bridge, which was a $3.7 million construction project. Eden Road Bridge is the third-largest bridge in the County’s inventory, measuring 228 feet long with a deck area of more than 8,200 SF. Our services ranged from surveying and wetland delineation to geotechnical investigations and permitting to construction administration. This bridge provides safe passage on a very high-volume road through Manheim and East Lampeter Township.


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Committed to Quality

Today is World Quality Day, which honors professionals for the quality work they do every day. At RETTEW,…

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RETTEW Now 100 Percent ESOP-owned

We’re excited to announce that RETTEW is now 100 percent owned by employees, via an Employee Stock Ownership…

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