A midstream natural gas company operating in Ohio’s Utica Shale region was mapping existing natural gas lines and wanted to protect their established infrastructure and ensure no utility line hits during their operations.
The client called upon RETTEW to help coordinate the utility line mapping process because of our rapid response time, our highly skilled and experienced staff, a reputation for quality and thoroughness, and our willingness to work long hours to meet the needs of our clients. Our team used GIS mapping for utility locating, which offered a significantly better picture than the mapping tools the company had been using prior. The comprehensive GIS data allows the client to make well-informed decisions based on a variety of geomatic variables. In addition, we administered a one-call coordinator that was available 24/7 and dealt directly with multiple contractors and managed several concurrent agendas. With RETTEW’s assistance, no lines have been hit and the project’s cost has fallen to within budget, while worker safety and efficiency remain above par.