Highspire Borough Authority Capital Improvement Plan

The Highspire Borough Authority retained RETTEW to prepare a capital improvement plan to assist in planning for the future needs of their operations. The plan called for reviewing the existing wastewater facilities, including the wastewater treatment plant and sanitary collection and conveyance systems, with the goal of anticipating necessary system repairs and replacements. In addition to identifying future upgrades, the Authority wanted to develop cost estimates to assist them in budgeting for future work.

RETTEW met with Authority personnel to determine anticipated and proposed projects that would occur over the next ten years. We evaluated each project based on vendor quotes, past construction costs, and staff experience to determine approximate costs. The final report outlined and defined each project, explaining why the project was necessary, anticipating the year(s) the project would be implemented, and calculating preliminary opinion of probable costs.

With this plan in place, the Authority is better equipped to identify future projects and plan for the anticipated expenses. The plan is considered a living document and will be reviewed and updated annually with projects and costs, as conditions change.


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