Industrial Zone Transportation Access Study

Looking to determine its redevelopment potential, two Montgomery County municipalities needed a comprehensive evaluation of 366 acres that straddles their municipal boundary. Once the scene of vibrant industrial business activity, the vitality of the industries at this location diminished as regional economies evolved and traditional industries migrated to other parts of the country, downsized, or disappeared entirely.

RETTEW developed two redevelopment alternatives for the 366 acres that included traffic and utilities improvements; interconnection with a closeby, to-be-renovated U.S. Route 422 interchange; private-sector mixed land use projections; and public-sector amenities including needed ball fields and public access to the Schuylkill River. Each alternative included large-scale master plans and construction cost opinions. RETTEW also recognized the necessity of identifying the key first steps that would make the plan a reality. RETTEW evaluated and recommended potential task and cost sharing between the two municipalities, a marketing plan, fundraising strategy, and redevelopment timelines. The result was a blueprint for bringing back the community and economic vitality of a once bustling riverfront area.


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Committed to Quality

Today is World Quality Day, which honors professionals for the quality work they do every day. At RETTEW,…

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RETTEW Now 100 Percent ESOP-owned

We’re excited to announce that RETTEW is now 100 percent owned by employees, via an Employee Stock Ownership…

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