1. Sussex Square Apartments Retaining Wall

    This project at the Sussex Square Apartments in Plymouth Township addressed a deteriorating retaining wall that separated an apartment complex parking area and a tributary to Plymouth Creek. The existing retaining wall sustained damage over time, including scour, undermining, and exposure of the wall’s concrete toe. In addition, the northern 40 feet of the retaining…

  2. Kinseyville Road Bridge Replacement Streambank Stabilization

    The Kinseyville Road Bridge superstructure replacement addressed critical safety concerns stemming from the deteriorating condition of the existing bridge and streambank at Reynolds Run on Kinseyville Road in Little Britain Township. The original bridge was a non-composite prestressed adjacent box-beam that displayed evident signs of degradation, including hairline cracks and moisture stains, necessitating urgent replacement…

  3. Hatchery Road Over I-476

    This was the pilot bridge replacement project for the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission’s (PTC) Bridge Information Modeling (BIM) and Digital Delivery Program, which included developing a 3D model. The existing bridge was a single-span steel beam bridge, and we proposed a two-span composite prestressed spread box-beam bridge. This project was part of a $1.5 million open-end…

  4. 2300 South Penn Avenue Industrial Site Redevelopment

    Logistics Property Company, LLC, is redeveloping a former industrial site containing arsenic-contaminated soil. Before work could begin, the contaminated soil was removed and clean fill was added, as specified in the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (PA DEP) Management of Fill policy. Additionally, RETTEW managed the imported materials and put engineering controls in place, including…

  5. Farmdale-Ferndale Storm Sewer Improvements

    West Hempfield Township was looking to pave the streets in one of its neighborhoods as part of a capital improvement project. The neighborhood was built in the 1970s and the existing stormwater infrastructure was also in need of repair and/or replacement. RETTEW worked with the Township to analyze the existing pavement, curbing, and stormwater facilities…

  6. Ashmead Road Bridge Replacement

    This existing 58-foot-long steel I-beam bridge in Cheltenham Township was structurally deficient and needed to be replaced because of excessive deterioration. In fact, throughout the course of designing the new bridge, numerous emergency repairs were needed to keep the bridge in service. The bridge is in a high-traffic area prone to flooding, so extra caution…

  7. Mill Road and Horseshoe Trail Road Bridges Rehabilitation

    Two small bridges in West Cocalico Township, one over Little Cocalico Creek and one over a tributary to Cocalico Creek, were deteriorating and needed repairs. Horseshoe Trail Road Bridge was previously closed because of collapsed abutments, and Mill Road Bridge was restricted by a steel plate over a portion of the failed deck. These failing…

  8. Pequea #5 Bridge

    The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) identified the existing three-span Pequea #5 Bridge as structurally deficient, so Lancaster County set out to replace it and concurrently address other important public concerns. Specific project goals included eliminating the piers to reduce maintenance costs, accommodating the Amish community, preserving the rural historic district, to which the bridge…

  9. Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission 5-Mile Resurfacing

    Under an open-end work order for the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, RETTEW provided preliminary design and final engineering services for a resurfacing project along the Northeast Extension. The project required field inspection of a 5-mile stretch to identify milling and paving limits, safety issues, drainage repairs, and areas requiring full-depth patching. Knowing digital field data collection…

  10. West College Avenue Improvements

    College Avenue in Elizabethtown Borough was in need of more efficient transportation infrastructure to decrease traffic congestion and hazards as well as improve traffic flow. To accomplish this goal, RETTEW split the project into two phases. The first phase relocated an existing borough street to avoid placing heavy traffic in local neighborhoods with small intersections,…


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Water System Analyses Using Hydraulic Modeling for Municipal Water Systems

Hydraulic modeling is a powerful tool for municipal water systems experiencing rapid growth, and it plays a crucial…

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Earthen Dams: A Silent Threat

Dams have been vital to human civilization for thousands of years, serving as critical structures for water management,…

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