1. Walnut Street Extension

    RETTEW helped revitalize a dormant roadway project, which was started by PennDOT 40 years ago as the Route 23 bypass, but was abandoned because of funding challenges. The neglected corridor — colloquially dubbed the “goat path” — had been partially constructed and subsequently reclaimed by nature and repurposed by local farmers for grazing. This present-day…

  2. Burd Run Stream Restoration

    RETTEW collaborated with Highspire Borough in applying for and securing a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) grant to fund this project. With that funding, RETTEW designed a stream restoration and riparian buffer plan to stabilize the streambank along an approximately 1,200-foot section of Burd Run. The restoration plan incorporated traditional and natural stream…

  3. Unnamed Tributary to Manada Creek Stream Restoration

    As part of their pollution reduction plan, South Hanover Township completed an MS4 project involving a stream restoration for an unnamed tributary to Manada Creek. The site was chosen to undergo a restoration to correct erosion problems that, over time, created steep eroded streambanks throughout portions of the creek. Located just east of the Sand…

  4. Unnamed Tributary to Beaver Creek Stream Restoration

    RETTEW developed a comprehensive stream restoration and riparian forest buffer plan to address stream impairments along a tributary in West Hanover Township to meet the sediment and nutrient reduction requirements of the MS4 Permit. The project focused on stabilizing 465 feet of the stream channel and planting 116 native trees and shrubs within Lenker Park,…

  5. Beaver Creek Stream Restoration

    RETTEW devised a comprehensive stream restoration and riparian forest buffer plan targeting stream impairments in Beaver Creek, meeting requirements of the MS4 Permit to reduce sediment and nutrient loading rates. This initiative stabilized 770 feet of stream channel and introduced 318 native trees and shrubs. Working closely with our client, West Hanover Township, RETTEW facilitated…

  6. Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority Environmental Consulting Services

    Since 2015, RETTEW has provided Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority (LNAA) and Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE) with industrial National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) consulting, compliance, and permitting support. The initial project — to make the ABE stormwater program compliant with federal and state regulations with an approved NPDES PAG-03 General Permit for industrial stormwater discharge…

  7. SR 0115 Widening and Intersection Improvements

    The Pocono Raceway, a major tourist attraction, draws huge crowds of motorsports fans. During special events, traffic is restricted to one lane on SR 0115, creating problems for local residents and obstructing emergency vehicles. The intersection of SR 0115 and SR 0903 is unconventional and has become a high-crash area. The area is environmentally sensitive,…

  8. SR 2047 Flaugherty Creek Bridge Rehabilitation

    The SR 2047 (U.S. 219 Business) Bridge over Flaugherty Creek is a stone masonry arch bridge listed on Pennsylvania’s Historic Bridge Inventory, and was deemed structurally deficient after 100 years of wear and tear from exposure to the elements and heavy traffic volume. The bridge is one of the few stone masonry arch bridges in…

  9. Salt Water Injection Well Facility Site Characterization and Remediation

    Our client, planning to sell their property, received a compliance notice from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) requiring remedial actions. Historically, the site was contaminated by chloride, petroleum hydrocarbons, and technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM). Impacted soils, building materials, and equipment required demolition and excavation to restore the site for regulatory…

  10. P3 Rapid Bridge Replacement Environmental Compliance and Engineering Support

    Pennsylvania’s Rapid Bridge Replacement Public/Private Partnership (P3) project is a five-year, multimillion dollar open-end contract aimed at replacing approximately 560 bridges statewide. It is the most extensive infrastructure project in Pennsylvania and one of the largest nationwide. Because of this effort and other PennDOT investments, the number of State-maintained bridges in good condition has increased…


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Water System Analyses Using Hydraulic Modeling for Municipal Water Systems

Hydraulic modeling is a powerful tool for municipal water systems experiencing rapid growth, and it plays a crucial…

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Earthen Dams: A Silent Threat

Dams have been vital to human civilization for thousands of years, serving as critical structures for water management,…

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